Geez Louise. Why didn't anyone tell me that employment was going to steal away all my blogging time? And my sleeping time? And cleaning time? And movie time? And walking-around-the-mall-in-the-middle-of-the-day-just-because-I-can-and-no-one-else-is-there time? And my time for anything else enjoyable other than watching Twins games on TV?
Work is fun though; I really enjoy it thus far. All the people are pretty much wonderful and helpful and patient (I require lots and lots of patience). As much as I dread getting up at 6:00 am (FIVE next week), I don't dread going to work yet. And after a week, I consider myself lucky for that.
Big names are tossed around my workplace like these people aren't the coolest thing since sliced bread. I think I might know how Brian feels now, though I've never met any of the big names. Hopefully that will be a job perk.
Other than that, nothing's new. I learned how to ride the bus, which is a pretty big step for me. Downtown is full of interesting folks as well, and the people watching is just fine down there, if you're into people watching.
But, most importantly, it's freaking FRIDAY. Happy freaking Friday, kids.
Oh, Amanda, how I miss thee. You're now a Woman of the World, with your fancy schmany hotel job. Just make sure you don't write bad stuff about your job or workplace, so you don't get Dooced!
By the way, when are you coming up for graduation?
4:13 PM
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