I can't follow you this time, Ang
Angie passed her drug test and now she lives in Duluth. Since last night no fewer than 16 random volcanoes of tears have erupted from my beady little eyes. Angie's moving. Leaving me. Going closer to home, to Duluth, where I WANT TO BE. What the hell am I doing down here, anyway?
I'm pretty devestated that Angie's gone. I know I am truly upset about it, but I also have PMS which helps nothing. I cried when I walked into her living room last night and it was all packed up. I cried when I woke up in her bedroom this morning. I cried the second we started walking out to the car for her to bring me to my home...my stupid little city home. I cried all the way home. Every one of her CDs I threw in the player reminded me of some memory we had.
I don't understand why I'm so upset. It's not like she's dying or anything. Besides, now I'll have a floor to crash on without feeling guilty every time I want to visit Duluth. I think the problem is that when Neej left Tower to go to school in Duluth, I followed her just as soon as I could. When she finished school and moved to the Cities, I followed her once I found someone to hire me. Now she's going back to Duluth...nine months after I move away from there. For the love of God, woman! Make up your mind. However, Darren has recently told me that he'd like to move to Duluth. So, in about a year or a year and a half...if we can both find jobs there... Who knows, we'll just have to see.
Right now Angie is in Duluth, where she will go to our Perkins and our Target and our Super One and our Lake Walk and our Pure Pleasure, ALL WITHOUT ME. Sometimes life sure isn't fair, but I hope she really enjoys it there. I know I would.
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