just don't blame me if it's not always chipper

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

MERCY! What have I been doing with myself? Not keeping this old boy updated, that’s for sure.

I finally had some excitement in my life starting last week when I got my hair cut by a real life professional (yes, this is excitement) for the first time in two years. I confessed the length of time it had been since I had a “real” haircut and she got that pained look on her face like all the hairdressers do. No repeat business here! After a couple of minutes she mumbled, “Scary, when you look right at it, you can’t even tell it’s not even…”

My stellar week continued on Friday when Missy and I went to the brand spankin’ new Minneapolis Public Library’s benefit gala grand opening…thing. I couldn’t have been more out of place, surrounded by people in tuxedos and ball gowns, but I made the most of it. Open bars on every floor! Unique cuisine on every floor! Since when have I given a shit about unique cuisine? Am I growing up? On that note, five years ago today was my last day of high school. I wonder if I ever wrote one of those, “Where I want to be in five years” things. Whatever I could have possible written, I was WAY off.

On Saturday I made my life’s first trip to Valleyfair. Darren tricked me into going on a rollercoaster (which I just do not do) and, though I vowed to kill him more than once while we were on the ride, afterward I felt kind of exhilarated and considered taking on Wild Thing. Then I looked at Wild Thing and decided against it. Good news too, considering the fact that it derailed that same day and over a dozen people got rushed to the hospital. My boobs flew out of my bra no less than four times on that rollercoaster. I would have worn a sports bra, had I known. Anyway, I didn’t last long at Valleyfair – the second trip on the tilt-a-whirl was the final nail in the coffin, especially after seeing that kid puke up so damn much Mountain Dew before the ride started.

Now, I have a weekend in Duluth to look forward to. I get to hang out with my sister and dad, who I haven’t seen since Easter, and I couldn’t be more excited about it. I don’t get to spend the whole weekend in Duluth though, because I’m moving on Monday. I sure will miss my neighbors who keep me up every night either having loud sex or beating the hell out of each other in a drug-induced rage…on a good night, both. Next week, Tower. Two weeks after that, Boston. Two weeks after that, back to Tower for almost a whole week, including July 4. Beer garden, you are my bitch.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today I met one of my blog-idols. I guess living in the big, bad city isn't so horrible after all.