just don't blame me if it's not always chipper

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I've got a new entry for my list of favorite things. That would be getting drunk on the company tab. Being paid to get drunk on the company tab, at that. God, I love my job.

But anyway, Angie requested that I blog about The Card. So here goes. I have a sneaking suspicion she'll be the only one to find it quite so entertaining.

One of the women I work with is on a medical leave because - hell, I'll say it like it is - because she's dying. She has cancer that has spread to EVERYWHERE and she's undergoing intense chemo and radiation but her tumors are doubling and tripling despite that. She is an incredibly sweet woman - a real gem - and if I hadn't heard it from others, I wouldn't have known how bad her condition is. It's all smiles and positive talk with her, and we're all praying for a miracle so her positive thoughts and speech can be valid.

Last week a few of my co-workers went to visit Cindy over lunch hour and they asked me to pick up a "Thinking of You" card. Simple enough, right? A nice, sweet card that everyone in the office could read, say "Awww", and sign so that it could be brought over to the ill one. I was tired upon my arrival home and since Darren was running to Walgreens (Walgreens is hell and stupid and the worst store ever - NEVER GO THERE), I asked him to pick up a card for Cindy.

A half hour later, Darren comes barrelling through the door, all smiles over the great card he got. I took a look at it. On the outside if a sweet, glittery little monkey sitting on a tree. The text on the outside reads, "Roses are red, violets are blue, I sent you this card..." At this point I'm thinking, wow, the boy picked out a good card. I then proceeded to open the card to read the rest. Do you know what this card said...this supposedly sweet, heartfelt card that my entire office was going to sign with their well wishes to send to our dying colleague?

Roses are red, violets are blue. I sent you this card....Just for the hell of it!

No, Darren, no no no! Needless to say, said card is still sitting on my desk. Any idea who might that a "Thinking of You Even Though I Don't Really Like You All That Much" card?

See, I KNEW Angie would be the only one who found it funny.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Yesterday was Friday the 15th...by far worse than any Friday the 13th I've experienced.

I started off the day by ruining (another) shirt ironing it, then accidentally put the iron on my bare leg while I was ironing a shirt I didn't really want to wear anyway. I was running late and freaking out. I went to work and had to re-do an hour-long project because someone booked a meeting last-minute...asswipe. I was looking forward to finishing work though, because Darren and I were going to go to Subway then to the 'Dome to see the Twins play the Angels. Angie got us great tickets through her place of employment and I was pumped that I might actually be able to see the numbers on the players' jerseys. My feet were killing me on our walk to the stadium and we couldn't find Subway so I was hungry and cranky and sore. Eventually, we went to sit in our seats and realized there were people in them...so we sat in a couple of seats down the row. Within minutes a man came and kicked us out and I went to kick the old lady out of our seats, and it was pointed out to me that our tickets were for SATURDAY, not FRIDAY. To the cheap seats!

Darren and I sat in the cheap seats and stretched out our legs (you can do that where no one else sits), watching as foul ball after foul ball flew into the area where "our" seats were. I really couldn't see what was going on, then there was that half hour when Darren stopped talking to me and the other fifteen minutes when I just cried. Aren't I a good sport? Ah yes, I also spilled quite a volume of Diet Pepsi down the front of my shirt.

Then the Twins lost and we came home and my necklace broke and Larry Bird is in my hotel RIGHT NOW. But that last part didn't contribute to my stupid day yesterday.

Today has been proven much better. The new Willy Wonka movie was spectacular. The months of anticipation leading up to it for me did not lead to a much-expected letdown. The highlight of the movie, however, may have been the little girl in the theater that freaked out when Veruca got tossed down the bad nut hole. On a somewhat related note, I hate kids.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

So this is what 22 feels like. Oddly enough, it feels a lot like 21. What a rip off.

I had a fantastic birthday. Thank you to everyone for all the kind birthday wishes - I appreciate everyone thinking of me! I would like to bring to everyone's attention my sister's post, in particular, but only because she has my favorite picture ever of us together for all to see. That would be photo number one. Give me an M!

My dear sister also sent me an awesome bouquet of flowers. It's a total color explosion on my desk and I love it. I also got 22 red roses from Darren. I got flowers from Darren for the first time ever! They're gorgeous. He's the coolest boyfriend I've ever had. Take that, you limey fuck.

Anyway, my co-workers are also complete sweethearts. I was showered with gifts and cards and well wishes all day long. Apparently kindness is contagious there. Not that I'm especially kind, but they sure all are.

I spent last weekend back home where I got to hang out time with my very drunk family and visit with old friends and drink beer and play bingo with a buzz. I also got to go four-wheeling and I got to beat my brother in mini-golf and I got to play pool (poorly) and I got to watch Tower's outstanding parade and get a weird sun rash in the process. Lord, let the leprosy go away.

That's what's new in my neck of the woods. Oh, and you better be coming to my sister's on Saturday to get drunk. We want you there. All of us do. There will be cake.