Apparently the world (my sister) needs to know about (TELL THEM WHAT THEY'VE WON, JOHNNY)... MY BRAND NEW IN-LAW!
Yesterday Darren's sister (I shall herein refer to her as Marissa) had her second child, an itty bitty baby boy with cheeks so big there are no room for his lips so they pucker out like a pinchably lovable little fish. We went to visit last night and Marissa looked absolutely great for giving birth less than seven hours earlier. She was totally normal...not tired and crabby with messy hair. You can't help but have a little bit of hatred for someone who looks beautiful even after giving birth a few hours earlier.
His name is Blake and he has low blood sugar so they have to keep pricking his tiny little feet to draw blood, then they have to squeeeeeze the heck out of his little leg to get enough blood. Not the most pleasant to watch, but at least he was healthy otherwise.
Also, I realized that I probably should try to marry into this family. Why? Because Darren's mom brought two bottles of wine up to Marissa's room last night for everyone - mostly Marissa - to celebrate. To celebrate the baby, yes, but I think mosrly to celebrate the fact that she can now have a drink if she wants! My mom better bring me booze if I ever have a baby.
Now I get to go baby shopping! And I have a job! This is a first. Somebody hold me back, make me control myself...
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