just don't blame me if it's not always chipper

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

PMS strikes again. Well, it's actually just MS. But seriously, do I have some sort of disorder? Is PMS a disorder?

I was just listening to some sappy ass country song (first mistake) about this kid and the best day of his life and yada yada yada. Some of you may be familiar with the song. But the first time he told his dad it was the best day of his life was when they were going camping. After I heard that (even though I've heard the song at least a half million times before), I felt an onslaught of tears rush from my tear ducts. What the hell?

I started thinking about going camping with MY dad and how much I enjoy it and how I probably won't get to do it much anymore, if at all. And I started thinking about the road trips that are now just a memory. And I started thinking about how I'm damn near grown up. And good LORD did I cry.

Then...THEN...I started thinking about what's going to happen when my parents die. How fucking MORBID am I? And, if you can believe it, that made me cry even harder. I'm such a bad daughter...why haven't I been nicer to them?

I wish there were some way to naturally and safely persuade the eggs to just stay in there.


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