just don't blame me if it's not always chipper

Sunday, September 26, 2004

What a lovely weekend! Wasn't this weekend downright wonderful? The weather - goodness me! What did we do to deserve such weather? I suppose I was in pretty good company, too, which probably added to the loveliness of the past few days.

Darren came up early Thursday afternoon and left early this morning and we had a very enjoyable three or so days. I did lose him for quite a while yesterday, but we'll get to that.

My highlights this weekend included spending several hours Friday night at Canal Park, waiting in vain for the 'Gurth to arrive and trying to keep warm while listening to a polka band in the distance. (I would prefer polka be in the background as opposed to the foreground in most situations.) Eventually a lesser ship left the port and we called it a night, but I still - after all these years - can't get over how charming Duluth is, especially at night, with the city lights dancing on Lake Superior's ripples. It really was a gorgeous evening, especially for late September, and gross as it may be, I loved every second of walking along, holding Darren's hand and sneaking glances at him because he looked so gosh darn cute.

Yesterday was another uncharacteristically perfect day. After forcing my favorite young man to climb Enger Tower with me (and pose for pictures), we hopped in the car and trekked to Two Harbors, where my mother- and father-in-law (haha...maybe someday?) were camping with three other families. I got to meet lots and lots of new people (I think I may even remember some of their names!) and hear stories about Darren and his parents and his sister and his ex-girlfriend and her daughter and it was all very entertaining. I had six full hours to hear all of this good stuff, you see, as Darren went off golfing with "the boys" and I was left with his mother. Thankfully, his mother is great and entertaining and I'm perfectly comfotable around her. Otherwise, Darren would be in deep shit.

So here I am, left feeling sore and lonely. I really need to stop getting so attached to that kid every time he comes up to visit. But oh! How neat! Next weekend I'm going home and so is my sister! Too bad I have to work. Alas, the shifts will only be eight hours, rather than nine. Joy!

Sadly, I have to do homework this week. Papers...blech...and I even have a test! I guess this is what it's supposed to be like. I've also decided that my long weekends aren't long enough. They just don't drag by anymore. I hope I don't get too used to this or it could be a problem down the road.

Did you know I only have 48 more days of classes?


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