just don't blame me if it's not always chipper

Monday, September 13, 2004

Today, especially this morning, was one of the more rotten days I've lived through. I woke up (not to my alarm, mind you, because when you don't need to be ready for the day until 2 PM there's no need to set your alarm) and had an overwhelming feeling of loneliness.

I lay in bed and miss my mom and my dad and my dog and my room and just...home. It's not that I don't enjoy it here; it's just that I miss the comforts of home, and it really hit me hard this morning. I moped my way through a shower and by the time I got out, nobody was home. So here's lonely girl, feeling all the more lonely because there's no one home to talk to. Woe is lonely girl.

Then to make matters worse I got to play the kidney stone game this morning. That's right. Not one, but two - TWO! - of the little suckers weaseled out of me this morning. There's nothing quite as disturbing as sitting on a toilet and crying.

After about 45 minutes and at least a dozen trips to the bathroom, I had my problem mostly sorted out (though I can still feel at least one more of those little buggers lingering...waiting...ready to ruin me).

The scariest - and possibly saddest - part of the day, however, was how I managed to cheer myself up: by spending three hours in the library working on an independent study class that I don't have to worry about for at least another week and a half. I'm taking this as a sign that I really need another class or a hobby or a job or a puppy.


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