just don't blame me if it's not always chipper

Friday, April 02, 2004

This, my friends, this RIGHT HERE, is why we love Duluth. (We DO love Duluth, don't we?) We love Duluth for it's 60 degree early April days. Sixty degrees has never felt so warm (that would be w-arm, not war-m, for all you city-dwellers). When I walk outside my skin is actually heated by the sun to the point that I can feel the sunburn beginning to develop. Bring it on, spring, I am SO ready for you.

If my roommates happen to read this, I would like to encouarage them to hide all chocolate in the apartment if they hope to enjoy any of it themelves. I haven't been able to control myself around the morsels of sugary goodness lately, and I fear if it isn't taken out of my reach I will eat every ounce of the stuff in a half mile radius. Won't my neighbors be curious when I'm rifling through their cupboards in the wee hours of the morning. That'll teach them to lock their doors.

In an attempt to wean myself off chocolate today, I bought Skittles. I just dropped one on the floor and coudn't find it. I won't search any harder for it, but you can bet that I will find the wee candy orb in a month and a half when I'm cleaning to move back home for the summer. You can also bet that I'll eat it then. Maybe I should toss a few more under my desk so I have a real treat during finals week cleaning. Maybe not.

As may be evidenced by my excessive use of capitalization, I'm rather restless today. I get to meet little Lille, my brother's new puppy, this weekend. I'm so excited to finally have a niece. I hope she likes me. I also hope she doesn't shit on my bedroom floor. I'm not sure I can wait another five hours for my dad to come pick me up. But he has to go to a meeting to find out if he's going on strike on Monday, and apparently that's more important than seeing his youngest daughter a couple of hours earlier.

Too long! Must stop! Okay okay, I will then...


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